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Mary Humphreys and Anahata

Traditional English Folk Music

Reviews - Mike Harding

Reviews > Mike Harding

Mike Harding

Radio 2, 30 March 2005

"Wild Goose Records, down in Hampshire, are one of those labels that consistently release exciting CDs. A new one came in recently, by Mary Humphreys and a guy called Anahata. It's called "Floating Verses". I've been playing it over and over as I've been driving around in the car. It's got a really authentic English sound to it, and it's a good example of some of the great music you can find in folk clubs around the country. To me the music has managed to make it out of the bar room into the recording studio without losing any of the spirit or authenticity."

Mike Harding, introducing a track from "Floating Verses" on Radio 2